TY - DATA T1 - Data underlying the publication: Improved flow velocity estimates from moving-boat ADCP measurements PY - 2023/10/20 AU - Bart Vermeulen UR - DO - 10.4121/4e9fe689-744b-4d55-9828-da4b7e02d408.v1 KW - ADCP KW - river bend KW - flow recirculation N2 - <p>Vessel-mounted ADCP data of a river bend in Indonesia with strong horizontal flow recirculation and deep scour. The dataset consists of seven cross-sections that were navigated around 13 times, to allow to average out turbulence fluctuations and obtain a mean flow field. Data were collected with 1200KHz RDI Workhorse ADCP in combination with a DGPS antenna for positioning and external vessel heading estimation. The data consists of the raw binary PD0 files, and NMEA ASCII files for the external devices. Software to process the data can be found on gitbub.com/bartverm/adcptools.</p> ER -