TY - DATA T1 - Supporting data: Unraveling the Origin of the Repulsive Interaction between Hydrogen Adsorbates on Platinum Single-Crystal Electrodes PY - 2025/03/18 AU - J. Liu AU - Arthur Hagopian AU - Ian McCrum AU - Katharina Doblhoff-Dier AU - Marc Koper UR - DO - 10.4121/4cb954b0-4d56-4112-b12e-e11f79bb6cfd.v1 KW - Hydrogen underpotential deposition KW - Pt single crystal electrode KW - adsorbate - adsorbate interaction KW - adsorption N2 -

The data in this repository supplements the publication listed under "Linked source".

Objective: Understand the origin of the interaction between hydrogen adsorbates on Pt single crystal electrodes

Calculations: Compute differential and average adsorption energy of H adsorbates on Pt(111), Pt(100) and Pt(110) surfaces

Method: Density functional theory (DFT) calculations performed in the Vienna Ab-Initio Simulation Package (VASP)


Brief description of data:

The data collection provides i) all data produced in connection with the linked source, ii) the information required to redo the calculations (i.e., all input parameters used) and iii) the information required to reproduce the figures. See README for further information.

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