TY - DATA T1 - Dataset of Science Based Target Network's Freshwater Quantity Target PY - 2024/01/30 AU - Rick J. Hogeboom AU - Han Su AU - Enrique Prunes AU - Dave Dilks AU - Allen Townsend UR - DO - 10.4121/089afa18-bbd5-493e-8a6c-39e1ca7b2a59.v1 KW - Science-Based Target for Water KW - Science Based Targets Network KW - Water Footprint KW - Environmental flows KW - Water Scarcity KW - Water Availability KW - Water Use KW - Planetary Boundaries N2 - <p><strong>SUMMARY</strong></p><p>This data product provides the Freshwater Quantity Target of the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN). Freshwater Quantity Targets are expressed as the percentage by which current collective water use levels must be reduced to stay within ecologically sustainable limits. The Targets are developed at the sub-catchment scale, as delineated by the HydroBASINS database level 05, with global coverage except Antarctica. For each sub-catchment, twelve monthly and one annual percentage reduction values are provided. Methods and data used to develop the Freshwater Quantity Target are described in the technical documentation (attached as pdf to the data product). Freshwater Quantity Target contained in this data product can also be accessed through a user friendly web application (<a href="https://data.4tu.nl/my/datasets/089afa18-bbd5-493e-8a6c-39e1ca7b2a59/https%3A%2F%2Fwww.acc.waterfootprintassessmenttool.org%2F%3Fb%3Dsbtn" target="_blank" style="color: windowtext;">https://www.acc.waterfootprintassessmenttool.org/?b=sbtn</a>) which allows retrieval of (bulk) site-specific reduction targets.</p> ER -