T1 - Data accompanying the publication "Testing pseudotopological and nontopological models for SMC-driven DNA loop extrusion against roadblock-traversal experiments"
PY - 2024/01/26
AU - Biswajit Pradhan
AU - Roman  Barth
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DO - 10.4121/07469f27-61e2-4284-b6e8-73947c8caa93.v1
KW - cohesin
KW - condensin
KW - DNA loop extrusion
KW - roadblock
KW - topology
N2 - <p>Research objective: determine whether pseudotopological models for DNA loop-extruding SMC complexes can explain roadblock bypass experiments (referring to https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111491)</p><p>Type of research: Single-molecule in vitro reconstitution of DNA loop extrusion using purified proteins</p><p>Method of data collection: HiLO microscopy</p><p>Type of data: Images (.tif). Due to the large size of the raw data, pointers to the data location are included in this dataset</p>
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