%0 Generic %A de Vries, Folkert %A Sol, M.L. (Martijn) %A Gazibegovic, S. (Sasa) %A op het Veld, R.L.M. (Roy) %A Balk, S.C. (Stijn) %A Car, D. (Diana) %A Bakkers, E.P.A.M. (Erik) %A Kouwenhoven, L.P. (Leo) %A Shen, J. (Jie) %D 2019 %T Crossed Andreev Reflection in InSb flake Josephson Junctions %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Crossed_Andreev_Reflection_in_InSb_flake_Josephson_Junctions/12707081/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:8bcbeb5b-9b0a-47d2-9264-5521aa748b64 %K Condensed Matter %K Experimental Physics %K Josephson Physics %K Josephson junction %K Nanoscience %K Nanowires %K Physics %K Quantum Computation %K Superconductivity %K Theoretical Physics %X Data collection and code examples for plotting the figures of the manuscript entitled: Crossed Andreev Reflection in InSb Flake Josephson Junctions. %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data