%0 Generic %A Idema, Timon %A Los, Rachel %D 2025 %T Data underlying the publication titled: "Cooperator intermixing is an effective competitive strategy against cheaters" %U %R 10.4121/fd53421f-738a-4b60-836e-f8c68ae6a1c3.v1 %K cooperation %K individual-based modelling %K agent-based modelling %K mixing %K biofilms %K microcolonies %X

Data from individual-based simulations interacting spherocylindrical particles growing and dividing on a surface. We simulate a cross-feeding consortium of two cooperating species and a cheater species. We look at how the parameters of the interaction result in patterning of the colony, where stronger cooperation leads to more mixing between the cooperators. We try this for different combinations of shapes, interaction strengths and When cheaters are added they do not mix with the cooperators.

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