%0 Generic %A Vieira Vercosa, Luiz Felipe %A Albanez Bastos Filho, Carmelo Jose %A Leite Dantas Bezerra, Byron %D 2023 %T Brazilian Justice Proceedings Dataset %U %R 10.4121/fcdc27b9-44fd-476f-9a2d-1774e96e505f.v1 %K Law %K Procedural Law %K Unstructured %X
The Brazilian Justice Proceedings dataset contains public data regarding lawsuits from six different justice entities. Each record contains information about the lawsuit header and its prosecution. All other information is absent in the dataset, such as parties and documents, which guarantees anonymity. The header fields contain information that characterizes the case, such as the lawsuit type, discussed subjects and the role of the court responsible for the lawsuit. The prosecution fields refer to procedural movements, i.e., steps, recorded for the case during its lifetime. The data is available in JSON format. A sample code for creating an event log from the JSON is provided. We also link the dataset to the GitHub code from our submitted paper. We intend to improve the documentation of the dataset soon.
Github code: https://github.com/lfvvercosa/brazilian_justice.git
%I 4TU.ResearchData