%0 Generic %A Charisi, Nikoleta Dimitra %A Defer, Emile %A Hopman, Hans %A Kana, Austin %D 2024 %T Data underlying chapter 4 of the PhD dissertation: Multi-fidelity probabilistic design framework for early-stage design of novel vessels %U %R 10.4121/fc643c31-5428-48dc-bcf3-c8a24d49331a.v1 %K Early-stage design framework %K Novel vessels %K Wave-induced loads %K Vertical bending moment %K Multi-fidelity models %K Gaussian processes %K Compositional kernels %X

This repository contains the code and data supporting the results presented in Chapter 4 of the dissertation "Multi-Fidelity Probabilistic Design Framework for Early-Stage Design of Novel Vessels" and the paper "Multi-fidelity design framework to support early-stage design exploration of the AXE frigates: the vertical bending moment case". The research explores the potential of harnessing multi-fidelity models for early-stage predictions of wave-induced loads, with a specific focus on wave-induced vertical bending moments. The assessed models include the application of both linear and nonlinear Gaussian processes and compositional kernels to improve predictions of wave-induced loads, specifically focusing on wave-induced vertical bending moments. The case study focuses on the early-stage exploration of the AXE frigates. Multi-fidelity models were constructed using both frequency- and time-domain methods to evaluate the vertical bending moments experienced by the hull.

The data include: (1) the parametric model developed in Rhino and Grasshopper used to generate the hull mesh, (2) the simulation data, (3) the data associated with the analyzed cases, and (4)the Python scripts can be found in this gitlab repository. The analysis solvers used to calculate the vertical bending moments for calculating the vertical bending moments are not included in this repository.

%I 4TU.ResearchData