%0 Generic %A Kooijman, Saskia %D 2021 %T Data supplementary to the master thesis: 'Politics in frugal innovations: Assessing the relationship between political risks and the market diffusion of frugal solar-PV systems' %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_supplementary_to_the_master_thesis_Politics_in_frugal_innovations_Assessing_the_relationship_between_political_risks_and_the_market_diffusion_of_frugal_solar-PV_systems_/15158040/1 %R 10.4121/15158040.v1 %K Frugal innovations %K Market diffusion %K Political risks %X This dataset is made for the thesis project of S. Kooijman (studentnumber 4473795), Msc Complex Systems Engineering and Management, TU Delft, The Netherlands. This data set was made in order to analyse the relationship between political risks and the market diffusion of frugal solar-PV systems.<br>This dataset includes the sales of solar pico systems and solar home systems (frugal energy innovations). The political risk-index (PR-index) consists of three types of sub-variables all which include various sub-factors. Also control variables were included. <br> %I 4TU.ResearchData