%0 Generic %A Bakker, Lieneke %A van der Werf, Wopke %A Bianchi, Felix J.J.A. %D 2021 %T Data for 'Sweep netting samples, but not sticky trap samples, indicate beneficial arthropod abundance is negatively associated with landscape wide insecticide use' %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_for_Sweep_netting_samples_but_not_sticky_trap_samples_indicate_beneficial_arthropod_abundance_is_negatively_associated_with_landscape_wide_insecticide_use_/16617184/1 %R 10.4121/16617184.v1 %K insecticides %K pollinators %K parasitoids %K predators %K beneficial insects %K ecosystem services %K pesticides %K sweep net %K sticky trap %K agricultural landscape %X This datasets comprises data from 38 crop field margins embedded in a gradient of landscapes from crop-dominated to semi-natural habitat-dominated, in the Netherlands in 2017 and 2018. Each field was managed by farmers according to their normal pest management practices. The dataset comprises information on pesticide use in the focal crop fields and 1 km around each focal field, the land use surrounding the focal crop fields, arthropod abundances and diversity. %I 4TU.ResearchData