%0 Computer Program %A Eijkelhof, Dylan %D 2024 %T [MegAWES] Matlab/Simulink model underlying the publication: Six Degrees-of-Freedom Simulation Model for Multi-Megawatt Airborne Wind Energy Systems %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/software/_/17311523 %R 10.4121/17311523.v1 %K Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) %K Airborne Wind Energy Systems (AWES) %K Tether model %K AWE Reference Model %K 6 DoF rigid-body kite %K Airborne wind energy power performance %X <p>MegAWES is a Matlab/Simulink model of an airborne wind enrgy (AWE) system based on a tethered rigid wing that is operated in pumping cycles producing multiple megawatt of electricity. The framework is a further development of the graduation project of Dylan Eijkelhof which was jointly supervised by TU Delft, ETH Zurich and DTU. The ultimate purpose is to provide a reference model of a megawatt-range AWE system and a computational framework to simulate its operation. The simulink framework includes the following model components:</p><ul><li>Pre-calculated look-up tables for aircraft's aerodynamic behaviour.</li><li>Segmented tether with a single attachment point at the kite's centre of gravity.</li><li>Choice between 3DoF point-mass and 6DoF rigid-body dynamic solver.</li><li>Aircraft controller for power generation flight controls and path tracking.</li><li>Set-force controlled dynamic winch.</li></ul> %I 4TU.ResearchData