%0 Generic %A Gomaz, Larisa %A van der Graaff, Erik %D 2023 %T Kinematic data from youth baseball pitchers recorded with PITCHPERFECT motion sensors %U %R 10.4121/f86ba220-08a1-4fa0-89a9-d8995790675b.v1 %K baseball %K pitch type %K kinematics %K wearables %K sensors %X <p>Data underlying the research of Machine learning approach for pitch type classification based on pelvis and trunk kinematics captured with wearable sensors.</p><p><br></p><p>Data set contains kinematics, ball velocity, pitcher's characteristics and pitch types from youth pitchers that are members of the elite youth academies of the Royal Dutch Baseball and Softball Federation (KNBSB).</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData