%0 Generic
%A Imhoff, Ruben
%A Brauer, Claudia
%A Overeem, Aart
%A Weerts, Albrecht
%A Uijlenhoet, R. (Remko)
%D 2021
%T Radar rainfall nowcasts for 1,533 events spread over 12 Dutch catchments
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Radar_rainfall_nowcasts_for_1_533_events_spread_over_12_Dutch_catchments/16615900/1
%R 10.4121/16615900.v1
%K Nowcasting
%K Short-term forecasting
%K Radar
%K Rainfall
%X <p>This
repository contains the radar rainfall nowcasts for 1,533 rainfall events
spread over 12 basins in the Netherlands, from Imhoff et al. (2020). The basins,
a combination of freely draining catchments and polder areas, are: Aa,
Beemster, Delfland, Dwarsdiep, Grote Waterleiding, Hupsel, Linde, Luntersebeek,
Regge, Reusel, Rijnland and Roggelsebeek. More catchment information can be
found in figure 1 in Imhoff et al. (2020). The nowcasts were run with the radar
composite of the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute for the period 2008
– 2018. Subsequently, the nowcasts were clipped to the extent of one of the
basins and saved. </p>

<p><br></p><p>The events
were systematically selected as follows (see also section 2.2.2. in Imhoff et
al., 2020): </p>

catchment and for each season, eight events were selected per event duration
(1, 3, 6, and 24 hr). An event was defined as a period with one of the four
aforementioned durations in which it does not have to rain continuously. Based
on this description of an event duration, the highest rainfall sums per
duration, basin, and season were ranked from high to low, and the eight events
with the highest rainfall sum for that duration (basin and season) were selected.
In the list, an event could not occur within the time span of a previously
selected event with a higher rainfall sum. This ensures that there is no overlap
in the chosen events, given the duration, basin and season. Hence, summed over
all durations (4), seasons (4) and basins (12), this selection procedure leads
to 4 × 4 × 12 × 8 = 1,536 events. Of these 1,536 events, 1,533 ran successfully
and are thus available in this repository.</p><p><br></p>

<p> </p>

<p>For every
five-minute time step in each of the events (with durations from 1 to 24
hours), a nowcast was made with one of the following nowcasting algorithms from
the open-source Rainymotion (v0.1 used) and pySTEPS (v0.2 used) libraries
(Ayzel et al., 2019; Pulkkinen et al., 2019): Rainymotion Sparse (referred to
as RM-S in the files and corresponding paper), Rainymotion DenseRotation (referred to as
RM-DR), pySTEPS deterministic (PS-D) and pySTEPS probabilistic (PS-P) with 20
ensemble members. All nowcasts have a time step of 5 min and a forecast horizon
of six hours. Hence, in total, over 940,000 separate 5-min forecasts can be
analyzed per algorithm. More information regarding the nowcasting algorithms
can be found in Imhoff et al. (2021), Ayzel et al. (2019) and Pulkkinen et al.

<p> </p><p><br></p><p>The nowcasts are saved as netCDF files in folders with the following structure: catchment name > nowcasting algorithm (RMS, RMDR, PSD
and PSP) > the individual nowcasts. The filename indicates the issue time of the nowcast in UTC.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>The events and
information about the rainfall sum during the event are present in a separate folder
called events. In this folder, the structure is as follows: season > duration
> basin. The csv-files provide information on the date of the event (the end
time is given) and the catchment-averaged rainfall sum during the event.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData