%0 Generic %A Riekenberg, Philip %A Camalich, Jaime %A Svensson, Elisabeth %A IJsseldijk, Lonneke L. %A Brasseur, Sophie M. J. M. %A Witbaard, Rob %A Leopold, Mardik F. %A Bravo Rebolledo, Elisa %A Middelburg, Jack J. %A T J van der Meer, Marcel %D 2021 %T Amino acid data set support the manuscript: "Reconstructing the diet, trophic level, and migration pattern of Mysticete whales based on baleen isotopic composition." %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Amino_acid_data_set_support_the_manuscript_Reconstructing_the_diet_trophic_level_and_migration_pattern_of_Mysticete_whales_based_on_baleen_isotopic_composition_/16578503/1 %R 10.4121/16578503.v1 %K baleen plates %K whales %K Stable Isotope Ratio %K Amino acids %X Bulk carbon and nitrogen stable isotope values from baleen from stranded and bowcaught whales in the North Sea. Baleen from 5 animals were sampled incrementally and used to examine growth interval, migration pattern, metabolism and trophic position along with bulk isotope data for carbon and nitrogen provided in another data set.<br><br>Amino acid nitrogen data set supporting the manuscript: Reconstructing the diet, trophic level, and migration pattern of Mysticete whales based on baleen isotopic composition. %I 4TU.ResearchData