%0 Generic %A Scheffler, Sandro %A Sedorko, Daniel %A Netto, Renata %A Memória, Sara %A Horodyski, Rodrigo %A Tavares, Isabelle %D 2024 %T Data underlying the publication: Annulitubus fernandesi sp. n., a new Devonian Annelida tube worm (Pimenteira Formation, Parnaíba Basin, Brazil) %U %R 10.4121/f40c60ce-03d1-44ac-a9c2-9066de7027b1.v1 %K Taphonomy %K Agglutinated Polychaeta %K Infaunal Habit %K Devonian %K Brazil %X
Electronic supplementary data. X-Ray microtomogaphy data and three-dimensional model animation of the Polichaete fossil from Brazil Devonian. The fossils are preserved in situ within the rocks of the Pimenteira Formation, northeastern Brazil. The sample are in the Paleoinvertebrate collection of the Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
%I 4TU.ResearchData