%0 Generic
%A Pilav, Armina
%A Westerhout, R.A.V. (Ravenna)
%D 2018
%T unwar: raw footage from the film: ‘Sarajevo Diary: from Bad to Worse’
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/unwar_raw_footage_from_the_film_Sarajevo_Diary_from_Bad_to_Worse_/12693092/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:463b9d1b-3b70-4797-89e8-0d32603a8469
%K UN food convoys
%K destruction of the city
%K interviews with citizens
%K refugee camps
%K un-war space
%X The video files were created during the years 1992 and 1993 by film director Dom Rotheroe and narrator Bill Tribe. The raw footage were created to document the war destruction of Sarajevo during the military siege (1992-1996) by Serbian forces as well citizens’ non-violent spatial reactions to the destruction and survival modes.
%I TU Delft