%0 Generic
%A Elías Maxil, J.A. (Jorge Armando)
%D 2015
%T Temperature model (Riotherm) files for heat modeling of wastewater in sewer networks
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Temperature_model_Riotherm_files_for_heat_modeling_of_wastewater_in_sewer_networks/12681380/1
%R 10.4121/uuid:192e2343-8038-474d-893f-e0f4436c0c12
%K Heat recovery
%K Heat transfer
%K Sanitary engineering
%K Sewerage network
%K Wastewater temperature
%K Water management
%K Water-Energy Nexus
%K dissertation
%X The files package was designed as an add-on for the urban drainage software Sobek to calculate longitudinal temperature of water and longitudinal, radial and tangential temperature of circular pipes and surrounding soil. 
This research presents an approach to assess the energy content (flow and temperature) at any point of the sewer system based on the coupling of a stochastic model to predict drinking water demand from households and a model to estimate the temperature distribution in the sewer network. An application example is given where the developed tool is used to estimate the implications of temperature drop in some points of an existing sewer network.
Riotherm modelling user manual is included with the data. More information can be found in the dissertation ‘Heat modeling of wastewater in sewer networks: Determination of thermal energy content from sewage with modeling tools’ .
%I TU Delft