%0 Generic
%A Schreyers, Louise
%A Bui, Thanh-Khiet L.
%A van Emmerik, Tim H.M.
%D 2023
%T Videos of plastic-hyacinth interactions over the Saigon river, Vietnam
%R 10.4121/ec6776d7-1818-43a9-b88c-3d0fe26484c5.v1
%K plastic
%K river
%K hyacinths
%K floating vegetation
%K transport dynamics
%X <p>The UAV videos show plastic-hyacinth interactions in the Saigon river, north of Ho Chi Minh City. Video S1 was taken at 20 m of elevation and video S2 at 25 m.</p><p><br></p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData