%0 Generic %A Alam, Mohammad Faiz %D 2024 %T Farmer Survey data (anonymized) for the thesis "Planning sustainable and equitable agricultural water interventions: an agent based sociohydrology approach" %U %R 10.4121/e5dc84d4-e22e-41c3-aa41-fbbe7ec74d83.v1 %K farmer %K check dams %K drip %K borewell %K Risks, Attitudes, Norms, Abilities and Self-regulation (RANAS) %X

This data pertains to the farmer's survey in the Kamadhiya catchment in Gujarat India. In December 2021, 492 farmers distributed across 24 villages were interviewed in the Kamadhiya catchment. The study sample was selected through a multistage random sampling procedure. First, 24 villages from a total of 88 villages lying within the Kamadhiya catchment were selected using regularly distributed sampling. Thereafter, in each village, 20-22 farmers were selected for the survey using proportionate random sampling. The survey questionnaire consisted of two parts, 1) farmers' socio-economic characteristics and 2) farmers' perception of check dam impacts and sociopsychological questions regarding the maintenance of CDs; 3) farmers' cropping and irrigation practices and 4) farmers' perception and adoption of AWM practices (drip and borewell). For more description and information on the study area, please refer to the below publication:

Alam, M.F., McClain, M.E., Sikka, A., Daniel, D., Pande, S., 2022. Benefits, equity, and sustainability of community rainwater harvesting structures: An assessment based on farm scale social survey. Front. Environ. Sci. 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2022.1043896

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