%0 Generic %A de Clercq, Gijsbert Koen %D 2023 %T Supporting files for dissertation: On the mobility effects of future transport modes %U %R 10.4121/e281d623-9d5b-4eda-ad85-7eebb9a9eee4.v1 %K discrete choice modelling %K supernetwork %K traffic assignment models %K transport %K future modes %K new modes %K modal split %K predictive modelling %X
Dataset OViN prepared for analysis discrete choice models and supernetworks + scripts Python + results for DCM and each case-study (Delft-Rotterdam, Sioux Falls, test networks, Delft) in dissertation within each zip-file. For a detailed description of how to use the dataset, please refer to chapter 4 of my dissertation.
%I 4TU.ResearchData