%0 Generic %A Guijt, Arthur %A Thierens, Dirk %A Alderliesten, Tanja %A Bosman, Peter A.N. %D 2022 %T Solving Multi-Structured Problems by Introducing Linkage Kernels into GOMEA: Result Data %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Solving_Multi-Structured_Problems_by_Introducing_Linkage_Kernels_into_GOMEA_Result_Data/19314218/1 %R 10.4121/19314218.v1 %K evolutionary algorithms %K multi-objective %K linkage learning %K kernels %K local neighborhood %K Model Based Evolutionary Algorithms (MBEAs) %X These are the raw datafiles containing the results for each individual run used to generate the graphs in the work "Solving Multi-Structured Problems by Introducing Linkage Kernels into GOMEA".<br> %I 4TU.ResearchData