%0 Generic %A Guendel, Ronny G. %A Yarovoy, Alexander %A Fioranelli, Francesco %D 2024 %T Dataset: Continuous Human Activities Utilizing Three Pulsed Radars Exploiting Multipath %U %R 10.4121/e1d6a078-9022-4f48-9aa6-e22389980fee.v2 %K Radar signal processing %K radar multipath %K human activity recognition %K distributed radar %K hierarchical clustering %K Machine learning %X

The dataset consists of recordings showcasing multipath reflection for two out of three radars within a radar network. It utilizes the PulsON P410 - Time Domain radar by Humatics, operating as an Ultra Wideband radar. The dataset consists of 45 folders, organized for 14 participants, covering range-time data, micro-Doppler spectrogram data, and range-Doppler data. It includes 12 classes like 'Junk/BRN,' 'Walking,' 'Stationary,' 'Sitting down,' 'Standing up (Sit),' 'Bending (Sit),' 'Bending (Sta),' 'Falling (Wlk),' 'Standing up (Fal),' 'Falling (Sta),' 'Micro Gesture,' and 'Walking (Obj),' each characterizing specific movements or actions during three repetitions of 60 seconds of data recording. Further details can be found in the accompanying readme file.

Dataset parameters:

Radar parameters:

%I 4TU.ResearchData