%0 Generic %A Faber, Jasper %A Al-Dhahir, Isra %A Breeman, Linda %A Kraal, Jos %A van den Berg-Emons, Rita %A Reijnders, Thomas %A van Dijk, Sandra %A Kraaijenhagen, Roderik %A Visch, Valentijn %A Chavannes, Niels %D 2023 %T Data underlying the publication: Guide development for eHealth interventions targeting people with a low socioeconomic position: A participatory design approach. %U %R 10.4121/ddad2577-1cb5-4447-8d95-6417011f04ff.v1 %K eHealth %K low socioeconomic position %K low socioeconomic status %K guide %K guidelines %K professionals %K intervention development %K intervention evaluation %K tailored care %K risk groups %X

This data repository contains the research data about the development of an 'Inclusive eHealth Guide'. This guide was designed to aid professionals in developing and adapting eHealth interventions for individuals with a low socioeconomic position (SEP). The overarching objective of the study was to build a tool that reduces social inequalities in the benefits gained from eHealth initiatives. 

The research was carried out from December 2020 to December 2022 and consisted of two main phases. 

Phase 1 was dedicated to the development of the content and information structure for the guide. Data used in this phase was derived from two previous studies: A Delphi study examining barriers and facilitators recognized by professionals, and a community-based participatory study exploring attitudes of the target group. The combination of these top-down and bottom-up approaches ensured a comprehensive understanding of both professional and user perspectives.

Phase 2 was characterized by the active involvement of 11 professionals in an iterative participatory process. Test versions (prototypes) of the guide were used, and 'think-aloud' testing combined with semi-structured interviews and questionnaires was implemented. This methodology was intended to identify design requirements and make necessary adaptations. The data collected during this phase was systematically analyzed using thematic analyses.

This repository contains data regarding the participatory process with professionals. It consists of the data management plan, ethics applications, interview guides, information and consent forms and prototype screens.

Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Delft University of Technology (approval number: 1495). 

Researchers who wish to reproduce this study or use the data in their work can find all necessary information within this repository. The inclusive eHealth guide developed from this research serves as a robust starting point for those aiming to develop or adapt eHealth interventions for low SEP populations, and we encourage future research to continue improving upon this foundation.

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