%0 Generic
%A Marshall, Samuel David
%A Soper, David
%A Gillmeier, Stefanie
%A Snape, Karl
%A Sterling, Mark
%D 2024
%T ERIES-The aerodynamics of platooning and overtaking vehicles (wake flow data)
%R 10.4121/dba55807-bb0d-4dad-840b-4168c9485ebd.v1
%K Wake flow
%K Platoon
%K Overtaking
%K Road safety
%K Wind tunnel experiment
%X <p>An overall description of the conducted experiments is provided at <em>https://www.dataaccessportal.eu/</em></p><p><em></em></p><p>The wake flow data and further specific information related to the wake flow measurements can be found here.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData