%0 Computer Program %A Ghorbani, Ramin %A Reinders, Marcel %A Tax, David %D 2024 %T Code underlying the publication: "Self-Supervised PPG Representation Learning Shows High Inter-Subject Variability" %U %R 10.4121/d8859c20-2569-4e3a-88b3-6c12098d8c65.v1 %K Self-Supervised Learning %K Representation Learning %K Autoencoder %K PPG Signal %K Human Activity Recognition %K Inter-Subject Variability %X

This repository provides the implementation of a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) framework for photoplethysmography (PPG) signal representation, as detailed in the paper "Self-Supervised PPG Representation Learning Shows High Inter-Subject Variability." The framework addresses label scarcity in PPG data analysis by utilizing signal reconstruction as a pretext task to learn informative representations, with a focus on applications such as activity recognition. The study highlights that, while SSL improves downstream supervised task performance and enables the use of simpler models, significant inter-subject variability remains a challenge, limiting the model’s generalization capabilities.

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