%0 Generic
%A Stroobants, Stein
%A Dupeyroux, Julien
%A de Croon, Guido
%D 2022
%T Datasets used for the paper: Neuromorphic Attitude Estimation onboard quadrotors
%U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Datasets_used_for_the_paper_Neuromorphic_Attitude_Estimation_onboard_quadrotors/20464830/1
%R 10.4121/20464830.v1
%K neuromorphic
%K spiking neural networks
%K attitude estimation
%K drone
%K quadrotor
%X <p>This data was used in the publication "Neuromorphic computing for attitude estimation onboard quadrotors" in the Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering journal.</p>
<p>The PX4 files contain the gathered .ulg files, the converted .csv files and the associated logged optitrack data.</p>
<p>The simulation files contain the gathered .bag files and the converted .csv files.</p>
<p> </p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData