%0 Generic %A Savazzi, Alessandro %A de Rooy, Wim %D 2024 %T Data from the study on the influence of parameterised shallow convection on trade-wind clouds and circulations in the HARMONIE-AROME mesoscale model %U %R 10.4121/d61e2238-b969-45e1-8649-62197f30025a.v1 %K CMTRACE %K Regional weather model %K Momentum transport %K EUREC4A %K HARMONIE-AROME %K shallow convection parameterisation %X <p>Simulations of the EUREC4A campaign with three setups of the regional numerical weather prediction model HARMONIE-HAROME (version cy43).</p><p>i) an experiment with fully parameterised transport of heat, moisture and momentum by shallow convection (noHGTQS),</p><p>ii) an experiment without momentum transport by shallow convection (<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 250, 234);">noHGTQS_noUVmis</span>),</p><p>iii) an experiment without any transport by shallow convection, turning off the SCP altogether (<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 250, 234);">noHGTQS_noSHAL</span>).</p><p>All experiments have a horizontal grid spacing of 2.5 km, in an area of 3200 km x 2025 km centred at 13.28 N and 57.76 W, and run in a free (climate) mode from Jan-1st to Feb-29th 2020. The dataset covers 2 months. The model receives lateral boundary fields from ERA5 every hour and the SST is updated every 24 hours.</p><p>This dataset includes separate files for January and February.</p><p>For each month bot 2d fields and 3d fields are available over a study region of 200km x 200km .</p> %I 4TU.ResearchData