%0 Generic %A den Bieman, Joost %A de Ridder, Menno %A van der Werf, Ivo %D 2024 %T SloFor wave flume data %U %R 10.4121/d2ac6c6f-bc13-4c80-ab68-c75550f11b3d.v1 %K Physical modelling %K 2D model %K Irregular waves %K Wave flume %X
The physical model tests for the Sloping Foreshore (SloFor) experiment are performed in the Scheldt Flume facility at Deltares in Delft, The Netherlands. The Scheldt Flume is a wave flume with a length of 110 m, width of 1.0 m and height of 1.2 m. The wave board is equipped with Active Reflection Compensation and second-order wave generation. The model setup features a 1:15 transition slope and horizontal step, followed by a long 1:60 slope. The 1:60 slope is equipped with 15 wave gauges, capturing the wave transformation in a high spatial resolution. The goal of the data set is to capture the wave transformation on the slope with high spatial resolution. The tests cover different values for wave steepness, wave height and water level. The data set consists of one NetCDF file per test, which contains the time series of water surface elevation measured by the wave gauges.
%I 4TU.ResearchData