%0 Generic %A Van den Putte, Teun %A van Beek, Roy %A Choi, Jungyu %A Candel, Jasper %D 2024 %T Dataset underlying Human-induced lowland floodplain transformation from peat- to clastic-dominated during the Early Modern Period %U %R 10.4121/cedb3cac-650d-4405-9510-126240e926a5.v1 %K Stream valley transformation %K Peat wetlands %K Plaggen agriculture %K floodplains %K Northwest European lowlands %K Luminescence dating %X
This dataset consists of soil descriptions and the luminescence dating results of 6 samples. The dataset was used to improve the understanding of the genesis of the thick humic sand covers in the southern Dutch stream valleys, also know as lage enkeergronden.
The soil descriptions were used to determine the composition and locations of the humic sand covers within the brook valleys.
The luminescence dating was used to reconstruct the chronology of the humic sand covers in the brook valley.
%I 4TU.ResearchData