%0 Generic
%A Van den Putte, Teun
%A van Beek, Roy
%A Choi, Jungyu 
%A Candel, Jasper
%D 2024
%T Dataset underlying Human-induced lowland floodplain transformation from peat- to clastic-dominated during the Early Modern Period
%R 10.4121/cedb3cac-650d-4405-9510-126240e926a5.v1
%K Stream valley transformation
%K Peat wetlands
%K Plaggen agriculture
%K floodplains
%K Northwest European lowlands
%K Luminescence dating
%X <p>This dataset consists of soil descriptions and the luminescence dating results of 6 samples. The dataset was used to improve the understanding of the genesis of the thick humic sand covers in the southern Dutch stream valleys, also know as lage enkeergronden.</p><p>The soil descriptions were used to determine the composition and locations of the humic sand covers within the brook valleys.</p><p>The luminescence dating was used to reconstruct the chronology of the humic sand covers in the brook valley.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData