%0 Generic %A Tsui, Tanya %A Furlan, C. (Cecilia) %A Wandl, Alexander %A van Timmeren, Arjan %D 2023 %T Data underlying the publication: Spatial Parameters for Circular Construction Hubs %U %R 10.4121/ceb4d129-3e79-4c52-a3bf-69851f551fb3.v1 %K circular cities %K circular construction hub %K GIS %K spatially explicit circular economy %K urban mining %K site selection analysis %X <p>This dataset contains the results for a journal paper titled "Spatial Parameters for Circular Construction Hubs: Location Criteria for a Circular Built Environment". For this research, we reviewed policy documents and interviewed exports to identify the spatial parameters (or location requirements) for circular construction hubs, which are facilities that collect, store, and redistribute construction waste as secondary resources. The following files included document the research process and results:</p><ul><li>interview transcripts.docx - interview transcripts with experts, the color-coded highlights categorizing different types of spatial requirements.</li><li>interview questions.docs - list of interview questions asked during the semi-structured interview.</li><li>spatial params and analysis methods.xlsx - research results showing the spatial parameters and potential spatial analysis methods to identify future locations of circular construction hubs in the Netherlands.</li></ul> %I 4TU.ResearchData