%0 Generic
%A Tsui, Tanya
%A Venverloo, Titus
%A Duarte, Fabio
%A Benson, Tom
%D 2023
%T Data and code underlying the publication: Spatial optimization of circular timber hubs
%R 10.4121/cd4f6a57-44ad-4c15-a5da-09b2c390e900.v1
%K circular economy
%K circular cities
%K circular construction hub
%K spatial optimization
This dataset contains the data and code used for a paper currently being peer reviewed, titled "Spatial optimization of circular timber hubs". For this research, we identified the optimal location and scale of circular construction hubs in Amsterdam using a spatial simulated annealing as an optimization algorithm. The zipped file contains two folders, "code" and "data". The "code" folder contains:
- costEffectiveness_v3.py - python script for calculating the cost effectiveness (euros / tCO2eq reduction) of a given configuration of circular construction hubs.
- spatialAnnealing_parallel_hpc.R - R script for running the spatial simulated annealing algorithm on a high performance computing cluster.
- resultsVisualization_v2.ipynb - a jupyter notebook visualizing the results of the research.
The "data" folder contains:
- ams_edges.shp - shp file of major street network in Amsterdam.
- candiHubs_ams.shp - shp file of potential locations for circular construction hubs
- matGrid_ams.shp - shp file showing the predicted future supply and demand for timber (for construction) in Amsterdam. This shpfile was modified from a dataset created by the Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving and researchers from Leiden University, see their publication here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0921344921007138
%I 4TU.ResearchData