%0 Generic %A Cardinali, Marcel %D 2024 %T URBiNAT Dataset 2 (Neighbourhood Survey Pseudonymised quantitative survey data) %U %R 10.4121/cb5741c5-0df2-4a3a-b8ed-d808d99bca06.v1 %K health %K mental health %K physical activity %K income %K education %K socializing activity %K environmental quality of life %X
This dataset contains 1650 entries of the URBiNAT Neighbourhood survey. The respondents are distributed as follows: Nantes 451, Sofia 450, Porto 458, Hoje-Taastrup 291. It contains 154 columns. The survey covered personal indicators, like sex, gender, education and income, as well as health related indicators such as, self-rated health, mental health, environmental quality of life, physical activity, socialising activity, and social network.
This is a metadata only record. To assess the data and get a detailed description of the indicators visit: https://urbinat.eu/urbinat-observatory/wellbeing-health-dashboard/
%I 4TU.ResearchData