%0 Generic %A Shelke, Yogesh %A Marín-Aguilar, Susana %A Camerin, Fabrizio %A Dijkstra, Marjolein %A Kraft, Daniela J. %D 2022 %T Data from manuscript: Experimental and simulation data of cluster size distribution and average cluster size %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_from_manuscript_Experimental_and_simulation_data_of_cluster_size_distribution_and_average_cluster_size/19773601/1 %R 10.4121/19773601.v1 %K Colloidal Clusters %K Colloidal Molecules Cluster Size Distribution %K Average Cluster Size %X
Datasets belonging to research on the self-assembly of colloidal molecules prepared from positively charged colloidal hematite cubes and negatively charged colloidal spheres. The data sets contain experimental and simulated data on the cluster size distribution and average cluster size of colloidal molecules. Experimental cluster size was determined by counting at least 100 clusters from microscopy images after self-assembly driven by electrostatic interactions. Simulation cluster size was determined by counting 1000 clusters from Monte Carlo simulations.
%I 4TU.ResearchData