%0 Generic %A Paulissen, Sjoerd %D 2020 %T Data underlying the master thesis: Near-bed flow behaviour in scour holes under laterally non-uniform flow conditions %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_Paulissen_2020_/13340984/2 %R 10.4121/13340984.v2 %K Scour holes %K Laboratory testing %K tufts %K Flow Separation %K Nonuniform flow %X The data form the basis for the following study:
'Near-bed flow behaviour in scour holes under laterally non-uniform flow conditions'by S.A.J. Paulissen

The data concern ADV measurements, tuft-measured near-bed flow directions and dye flow visualisation in a flume that replicates a real-life scour situation. The code used to convert video data of tuft movement to flow directions is also provided.

Abstract available here: http://resolver.tudelft.nl/uuid:834d1f92-5a9d-4327-bdfa-babf236bf53c
%I 4TU.ResearchData