%0 Generic %A Navarro Arredondo, Sara %D 2022 %T Data set - MAGISTER ESR12 - Characterization of acoustically (un)forced flames in two different combustors %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Data_set_-_MAGISTER_ESR12_-_Characterization_of_acoustically_un_forced_flames_in_two_different_combustors/19355384/1 %R 10.4121/19355384.v1 %K Combustion %K Thermoacoustic Instabilities %K Pressure time series %K LIMOUSINE combustor %K Desire combustor %K Self-excited high amplitude oscillations %K Sinusoidal acoustic forcing %X This dataset is used in the conference paper ICSV 26: “A model to study spontaneous oscillations in a lean premixed combustor using nonlinear analysis”, and ICSV 27 “Statistical study of high amplitude oscillations in a premix combustor”. %I 4TU.ResearchData