%0 Computer Program
%A van Ommen, J.Ruud 
%A van Steijn, Volkert
%A Bhatraju, Chaitanya
%A Bagemihl, Isabell
%D 2024
%T Numerical and analytical model for Taylor flow in tubular CO2 electrolyser
%R 10.4121/c38c1d0c-33a9-488a-bed8-1f169b64622a.v1
%K Matlab
%K gas-liquid Taylor flow
%K tubular CO2 electrolyser
%X <p>Numerical simulations in COMSOL based on the unit cell approach for gas-liquid Taylor flow in a tubular flow cell. The COMSOL files are generated and analysed via a link to matlab (therefore livelink needs to be used to run all files; see README.txt). The Matlab files further include an analytical correlation which can be run without COMSOL. The code pretains to the data shown and discussed in the publication "Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 in Tubular Flow Cells under Gas–Liquid Taylor Flow" and Chapter 2 of the PhD dissertation of Bagemihl.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData