%0 Generic
%A Jonkers, Heime
%A Dijkshoorn, Alexander
%A Stramigioli, Stefano
%A Krijnen, Gijs
%D 2024
%T Data and Code of FFF print defect characterization through in-situ electrical resistance monitoring
%R 10.4121/c17ac579-bab1-4f58-ba67-a95182fd021f.v1
%K Fused Filament Fabrication
%K In-situ
%K Process Monitoring
%K Additive Manufacturing
%K Electrical Resistance
%K Inter-layer adhesion
%X <p>This dataset contains data collected during in-situ electrical resistance monitoring experiments at the University of Twente as a part of Heime Jonkers' and Alexander Dijkshoorn's PhD thesis project. The data in this data set was collected in the Robotics and Mechatronics Laboratory at the University of Twente - Faculty EEMCS, between March 2022 and February 2024.&nbsp;The dataset is being made public both to act as supplementary data for the publication "FFF print defect characterization through in-situ electrical resistance monitoring" and in order for other researchers to use this data in their own work.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData