%0 Computer Program %A Așut, Serdar %A Freeke, Arno %A Bayoumy, Sharif %A Goossen, Luuk %D 2025 %T HANDZONe: Software for Hybrid Learning Environment for Robotics in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction %U %R 10.4121/bd291a56-9513-4b20-9e9b-a0a86fcf9bb8.v1 %K Robotics %K Education %K Hybrid Learning Environments %K Architecture %K Design %K Engineering %K Construction %K Virtual Reality %X

HANDZONe is a Hybrid Learning Environment developed to support education on robotics, specifically within architecture, engineering, and construction disciplines. It features a virtual lab with tutorials and exercises introducing fundamental knowledge and skills for programming and operating a robotic arm. It utilizes the Unity engine to create a digital twin of the robotic arm and a web server to enable real-time communication between the physical and digital labs.

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