%0 Generic %A Vissia, Sander %A van Langevelde, Frank %D 2023 %T Dataset used for the publication of the article: Co-occurrence of high densities of brown hyena and spotted hyena in central Tuli, Botswana %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Dataset_used_for_the_publication_of_the_article_Co-occurrence_of_high_densities_of_brown_hyena_and_spotted_hyena_in_central_Tuli_Botswana/21915768 %R 10.4121/21915768.v1 %K competition %K population density %K brown hyena %K spotted hyena %K temporal activity %K co-detection %K camera trap %K large carnivores %X
Dataset used for the publication of the article: Co-occurrence of high densities of brown hyena and spotted hyena in central Tuli, Botswana by S. Vissia, R. Wadhwa & F.van Langevelde.
The dataset includes the r script and datafiles for the secr-modelling to estimate the hyena densities and the r script and datafiles to calculate temporal overlap between the hyena species.
%I 4TU.ResearchData