%0 Generic
%A Lyu, Xiaohuan
%D 2024
%T Data underlying chapters 3-6 of the PhD thesis: Collaboration for Resilient and Decarbonized Maritime and Port Operations
%R 10.4121/bccca38a-66bf-4b7c-843f-e74d3c65dc9e.v1
%K Collaborative berth planning
%K disruption recovery
%K mixed-integer program
%K metaheuristic
%K Berth allocation problem
%K Bulk ports unavailability
%K Stock levels
%K Optimization
%K Logistics
%K Collaborative berth allocation
%X <p><strong>***General Introduction***</strong></p><p>This dataset contains data collected as part of Chapters 4-6 in the doctoral thesis of Xiaohuan Lyu, M.Sc. in Delft University of Technology, 2020-2024. It is being made public both to act as supplementary data for publications of X.Lyu and for other researchers to use this data in their own work. The data included in this repository has the form of .pdf and .png files. These files hold the plotting information corresponding to Figure X of Chapters 3-6 in .png and the contents of each Figure X are briefly described by 'Chapter_X_Figure_X_desc.pdf'.</p><p></p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData