%0 Generic %A Ten Oever, E. (Erik) %D 2013 %T Theoretical and Experimental study on the placement of Xbloc %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Theoretical_and_Experimental_study_on_the_placement_of_Xbloc/12714305/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:c032b818-681f-4fbb-a395-84ab9d07ed42 %K Breakwaters %K Xbloc %K armour unit %K master thesis %X Placement tests of Xbloc on a model with a realistic placement method. Results of the placement. To design a placement grid for a head a theoretical model has been built, which is capable to design a grid on irregular breakwater profiles. This model is been tested in an experimental study. The proposed placement model proved to predict stable unit positions even for breakwater heads. %I TU Delft, department hydraulic engineering