%0 Generic
%A Jongbloed, Hendrik
%A Vermeulen, Bart
%A Hoitink, Ton
%D 2024
%T Hartel Canal - Old Meuse 13-hour ADCP repeat transect data 12-Aug-2014
%R 10.4121/b12716dd-a8da-4ef7-a7ff-a14ec2664d2d.v1
%K Flow
%K Estuary
%K Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
%K Tidal junction
%K Surface water
%K River discharge
%K Rhine-Meuse
%X <p>Raw data files containing raw vessel-mounted repeat transect ADCP output files (.000) that were gathered on the 12th of August 2014 at the tidal junction between the Hartel Canal and the Old Meuse in the Rotterdam Harbour.</p>
%I 4TU.ResearchData