%0 Generic %A Brinkman, Willem-Paul %A van Kuik, Sven %A van Emmerik, A.A.P. %A Uduwa-Vidanalage, Elizabeth %A Schouten, Cliff %A Arntz, Arnoud %D 2022 %T Screenshots of Virtual Reality Imagery Rescripting tool %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Screenshots_of_Virtual_Reality_Imagery_Rescripting_tool/21170665/1 %R 10.4121/21170665.v1 %K screenshots %K virtual reality %K PTSD %K Imagery Rescripting %K therapy %K Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) %X

This set contains several screenshots of Virtual Reality scenes used as part of Imagery Rescripting therapy for PTSD patients. The screenshots show the editor environment in which the therapist created a 3D world before the therapy session. Next, the set contains screenshots of 5 scenes of the 3D world as seen from the patient's perspective.

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