%0 Generic %A Vijlbrief, Sam %A Cats, Oded %A Krishnakumari, Panchamy %A van Cranenburgh, Sander %A Massobrio, Renzo %D 2022 %T A curated data set of P-space representations for 51 metro networks worldwide %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/A_curated_data_set_of_P-space_representations_for_51_metro_networks_worldwide/21316950/2 %R 10.4121/21316950.v2 %K Metro Network %K Network Topology %K Network Science %K Service Information %X <p>A curated data set of P-space representations in .json format for 51 metro networks worldwide. The creation of this data set was part of the MSc thesis referenced below. The goal for the data was to create a set of topological representations based on GTFS data that is curated and verified. Each file is a graph, containing a set of nodes and edges for each network along with some additional information. The information on the number of vehicles is based on a representative day for the period of 05:00 until 23:59. The representative day chosen for each network along with information about the processing can be found in metadata.xlsx </p> %I 4TU.ResearchData