%0 Generic %A Luo, Quanxing %D 2020 %T Associated data underlying the paper: Slip Distribution and Slip Rates of the Yanggao-Tianzhen Fault (northern Shanxi Graben): Insights for Regional Active Deformation %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/Associated_data_underlying_the_paper_Slip_Distribution_and_Slip_Rates_of_the_Yanggao-Tianzhen_Fault_northern_Shanxi_Graben_Insights_for_Regional_Active_Deformation/13153871/1 %R 10.4121/13153871.v1 %K Yanggao-Tianzhen Fault %K Shanxi Graben %K Slip rate %X This data set is the raw data for a research article "Slip Distribution and Slip Rates of the Yanggao-Tianzhen Fault (northern Shanxi Graben): Insights for Regional Active Deformation" submitted to the journal of "Tectonics", which consists of UAV-derived DEMs, the topographic profiles we built, fault dips we measured in the field, and OSL dating results. %I 4TU.ResearchData