%0 Generic %A Lokin, Lieke %A Warmink, J. J. %A Hulscher, S.J.M.H. (Suzanne) %D 2023 %T The effect of sediment transport models on simulating river dune dynamics: Model data and processing %U %R 10.4121/a926a060-d814-4d31-882d-193ecd4ce557.v1 %K River dunes %K Waal %K Modeling %K Sediment transport %X

This dataset contains all model data that is used to produce the output and results presented in the paper "The effect of sediment transport models on simulating river dune dynamics" by L.R. Lokin, J.J. Warmink and S.J.M.H. Hulscher, published in Water Resources Research. For a full description of the data we refer to the metadata file. For any other questions regarding the data feel free to contact the authors.

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