%0 Generic %A He, Jinke %A Moerland, Thomas %A de Vries, Joery %A Oliehoek, Frans %D 2024 %T Code associated with the publication: What model does MuZero learn? %U %R 10.4121/a88194f4-45a5-41ae-9cda-0116b78473e5.v1 %K Model-based reinforcement learning %K AI %K MuZero %K RL %K MBRL %X

This Dataset contains the code associated with the research paper "What model does MuZero learn?" published at ECAI 2024.

Our research aims to study to what extent models learned by MuZero support policy improvement.

The code here contains scripts to evaluate models learned by MuZero.

Two files implement our policy evaluation and improvement experiments with common functionalities implemented in base.py.

The other scripts are for scaling experiments by automatically generating and launching experiment configurations.

To train MuZero agents, we used https://github.com/YeWR/EfficientZero and https://github.com/werner-duvaud/muzero-general.

%I 4TU.ResearchData