%0 Generic %A Petrucci, Olga %A Aceto, L. (Luigi) %A Bianchi, C. (Cinzia) %A Bigot, V. (Victoria) %A Brázdil, R. (Rudolf) %A Pereira, S. (Susana) %A Inbar, M. (Moshe) %A Kahraman, A. (Abdullah) %A Kılıç, O. (Özgenur) %A Kotroni, V. (Vassiliki) %D 2019 %T EUropean Flood Fatalities (EUFF) database 1980-2018 %U https://data.4tu.nl/articles/dataset/EUropean_Flood_Fatalities_EUFF_database_1980-2018/12692195/1 %R 10.4121/uuid:3ac47b36-12ce-4c38-97d5-5bbf7d20572d %K Deaths %K Europe %K Flood %K Flood fatalities %K Gender and age analysis %K Geo-hydrological disasters %K Loss of life %K Risk perception %K Risk to life %K Risky behaviors %X This dataset, named EUFF (EUropean Flood Fatalities) collects data about flood mortality (2466 cases) occurred during a 39-year period (1980-2018) in 8 countries divided into 9 study areas (Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, South France, Catalonia and Balearic Islands). The methodological approach to gather data was based on the systematic collection of fatal events descriptions from documentary sources and the disaggregation and systematization of all the available information into the database. Narratives of fatal events gathered from documentary sources were disaggregated in database fields describing victim’s profile and the circumstances of the deaths; each row contains data related to a single fatality, organized in fields with informations about event (place, date, hour), victim (age, gender, conditions, residency, activity), and victim-event interactions (accident place, accident dynamic, death causes, protective and/or hazardous behaviours). EUFF database represents a unique source of data for the study of flood victims with a broad potential for further spatial and temporal extension for different use. %I 4TU.Centre for Research Data