%0 Generic %A Arfa, Fatemeh Hedieh %D 2024 %T Data underlying the PhD Dissertation: Understanding and Enhancing the Effectiveness of Adaptive Reuse of Built Heritage: From an International Context to Application in Iran %U %R 10.4121/9ce4d0cd-2606-4b99-8b94-dc46f605ec7c.v1 %K adaptive reuse %K heritage buildings %K built heritage %K process model %X
The data underlying two chapters of the dissertation are included in this dataset.
The method used in Chapter 2 of this dissertation is a systematic literature review of scientific publications, with the addition of some sources using the snowball method. This chapter has been published as a peer-reviewed journal article: https://doi.org/10.1080/17567505.2022.2058551
Chapter 3 of this dissertation includes a review of the jury reports for two prestigious awards in the Netherlands and Europe: the Nationale Restauratie Platform - Gulden Fenix Prijs (NRP Golden Phoenix Prize) and the Europa Nostra Award. This chapter has been published as a peer-reviewed journal article:
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