%0 Generic %A Reusen, Jesse %A Steffen, Rebekka %A Steffen, Holger %A Root, Bart %A van der Wal, Wouter %D 2023 %T Supporting data for Simulating horizontal crustal motions of GIA using compressible cartesian models %U %R 10.4121/9a9bdb35-8f65-41f1-be00-4d247722ad48.v1 %K horizontal motion %K cartesian models %K spherical models %K compressibility %K glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) %K finite element method (FEM) %X
This dataset includes input files for the Abaqus models, and the horizontal output data of the ICEAGE runs for the paper titled 'Simulating horizontal crustal motions of glacial isostatic adjustment using compressible cartesian models'. It also contains output data for the FastLove-HiDeg and AFCAL models that were used for the supplementary material of the paper.
%I 4TU.ResearchData